For your best experience.

Acupuncture chart from Hua Shou (fl. 1340s, Ming Dynasty)
This image from Shi si jing fa hui (Expression of the Fourteen Meridians)
(Tokyo : Suharaya Heisuke kanko, Kyoho gan 1716)
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can be useful as a preventative medicine as well as giving relief in a vast range of health problems such as:
- Musculo-skeletal : lower back pain, joint sprains, muscle strain, sciatica, arthritis, sporting injuries, etc
- Respiratory : sinus problem, hay fever, common cold or flu, asthma
- Gastro intestinal : constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, nausea
- Cardio vascular : angina, palpitations, high & low blood pressure
- Women’s health : irregular or painful period, fertility disorders, premenstrual difficulties, menopausal symptoms
- Pregnancy : morning sickness, breech baby
- Neurological : headache, trigeminal neuralgia, tinnitus, Bell’s palsy, post-stroke syndrome, insomnia
- Metabolic disorders : Chronic fatigue
- Psychological disorders : anxiety, depression, smoking/drug addition
- Men’s health : fertility issues, prostate difficulties
- Others : skin conditions, psoriasis, bladder disorders, hair loss, Weight loss
Acupuncture is one of the main forms of treatment in traditional Chinese medicine. It involves the use of sharp, thin needles that are inserted in the body at very specific points. This process is used to adjust and alter the body’s energy flow into healthier patterns, and is used to treat a wide variety of illnesses and health conditions.
A course of treatment is generally considered to last between 8-10 treatments and most people are surprised at how painless acupuncture can be.
Acupuncture, Tuina and herbal medicine administered by a professional medical therapist can have a powerful, holistic effect enhancing the bodies natural healing ability.
Acupuncture is a widely accepted and administered treatment used worldwide with ongoing studies proving its effectiveness in treating a myriad of illnesses.
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine and Chinese Tuina Massage are an ancient medicine and have been used successfully for many thousands of years in the treatment of a wide range of conditions. By using a number of fine needles into specific acupuncture points along a system of energy pathways or meridians to restore the balance of human body system. The treatment of acupuncture may be used alone or may be incorporated with Chinese Tuina massage, Chinese herbal medicine, the use of moxibustion (warming of acupuncture points using the herb Artemisia), dietary or life style advice.
We utilize state of the art Acupuncture and Physiotherapy equipment at our clinics. These include:

- E600 HAN TENS (Trabscutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation) machines that are connected to Korean acupuncture needles to reduce muscle spasm and edema following injury.
- DIGITENS Combine Vacuum Cupping and TENS Machine to reduce swelling and pain following trauma. We are the only office in New Zealand using these machines that are normally used only in hospitals in Korea.
- Infrared Heat Lamps to aid in increasing circulation into strained and painful areas.
- Our Acupuncture needles are ordered direct from Korea to provide exceptional quality.